Hometown Heroes is one of the Wolf Cub Scout elective adventures. For the Hometown Heroes adventure, Wolves learn about citizens who are heroes in their local communities.
The requirement for this adventure are shown below. Upon completion of this adventure, Wolf Cub Scouts will receive a belt loop.
Requirements for the Hometown Heroes Wolf Adventure
- Talk with your family and den about what it means to you to be a hero. Share the name of someone you believe is a hero. Explain what it is that makes that person a hero.
- Visit a community agency where you will find many heroes. While there, find out what they do. Share what you learned with your den.
- With the help of a family member, interview one of your heroes, and share the information with your den. Tell why you think this person is a hero.
- As a den or family, adopt a hometown serviceman or –woman, and send a care package along with a note thanking them for their service.
- With your family or den, find out about service animals that are trained to help others in your community.
- Participate in or create an event that celebrates your hometown hero(es).